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Harmar Rowing Club History

50 Years of Rowing 1964-2014


Marietta High School rowing dates back to the summer of 1963 when Ralph Lindamood secured a donated shell, found some high school boys and started the first high school rowing team in Ohio.


The Harmar Rowing Club (formerly The Harmar Boat Club) was started by a group of former MHS rowers who wanted to continue with the sport after graduation and race together. It's roots are intertwined with the Marietta Rowing and Cycling Club and there is some overlap in the membership.


When women's rowing began at MHS in 1976 and the teams grew to such a large size (about a hundred rowers) that the Harmer Rowing Club started to evolve into what it is today; which is more of a booster organization to keep the high school team in equipment and able to travel to meets. After five school levy defeats, the Tiger Boosters and the Harmar Rowing Club took over the financial burden of the high school crew team in 1989. College scholarships had by now come into the mix and the survival of the sport in Marietta was in jeopardy. It became crucial for rowers' parents to take an active role in the club. We gained our Not-For-Profit status in 1994.


The growth of the program and modern times have increased the financial requirements of the club considerably. The Marietta City Schools help tremendously by covering coaching staff, travel, and entry fees. HRC raises money for replacing racing shells that are then donated to Marietta High School. The club also funds truck, trailer, and a traveling chuck wagon tent. Families serve as truck drivers, chefs, coordinators, and pay a combined travel and equipment fee for each rower for this. Gone are the days when rowers were welcome to sleep on gym floors or in hosting houses to save expense.


Increased competition has also increased equipment quality demands. Wooden shells (which are still in use on our team) are now outdone by lighter fiberglass materials and the old megaphone has morphed into an expensive cox box. Training is no longer merely running and weights, but ergometers. Larger equipment, and the growth of the Marietta College program, brought on a dire need to centralize our equipment and store it. Barns, basements and garages could no longer handle the load. The club started saving.

Catapulted by a generous donation from the Broughton Family, HRC broke ground for the Carl L. Broughton Boathouse which was established in 2000. Fundraising and participation fees from our rowers enable us to maintain the boathouse and purchase new equipment to keep our rowing teams competitive not only locally but on a national level.




















1964 Marietta High School Crew Team:
Top Row: Manager, Kirk Adie, Rest of top row is the V8 boat: Nat Case, Dunham Hollister, Terry Morris, Phil Case, Jim Zoller, Dave Lindamood, Bob Murphy, Dave Stoltenberg
2nd Row: Scott Adie, Jon Eells, Rob LaBarre, Fred Abicht, Lloyd Sheep, Don Simon, Rick Mason, Rick Cook
Front: Dave Kucik, Frank MacAtee, Fred Neilis, Lovis Coleman, Ted Szabo, Ed Godsey, Steve Zoller
Sitting: Jimmy Best, Bruce Cochran, Joe Tewkesbury

This was the first MHS Crew team coached by Ralph Lindamood


The first Marietta High School Rowing Team
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